Our project

Building together
our new energy future

Terrensis aims to become a benchmark player, with a common denominator in all our projects: the desire to involve stakeholders (local residents, elected representatives, industrialists, etc.).

The energy transition is everybody’s business.

Project 1

Sauve Terre H²

Country: France

Region: Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Area: 225 km

Recipient: TBH2 AQUITAINE (Terrensis subsidiary)

Sought-after substances: natural hydrogen and helium

Grant date: December 3, 2023

Duration: 5 years

TBH2 Aquitaine is proposing an innovative way of extracting the hydrogen that is naturally generated in the Pyrenean subsoil.

Hydrogen is generated deep underground, by natural reactions between rainwater and rocks rich in ferrous minerals.

The native hydrogen that will be produced on this Sauve Terre H² permit will then become a new source of non-fossil, renewable energy. This is a major scientific discovery.

TBH2 Aquitaine’s objective for the Sauve Terre H² Permit will therefore be to identify accumulations and migration paths that will confirm the potential of this resource.