
French Academy of Sciences calls for support for natural hydrogen exploration

“In the current state of knowledge, the prospects offered by natural hydrogen remain highly uncertain. That said, we recommend that you give rapid and unhesitating support to exploration projects on French soil aimed at rigorously assessing the real potential for natural hydrogen.”

These are the opening lines of the conclusions and recommendations of the Académie des Sciences report entitled “L’hydrogène aujourd’hui et demain” (“Hydrogen today and tomorrow”). In this 42-page document, and in view of the urgent need to produce low-carbon hydrogen, the Académie des Sciences strongly encourages support for natural hydrogen exploration projects.

The full report is available below:

Terrensis winner of the Hydrogénies 2024 competition

The Académie des technologies recommends accelerating the development of natural hydrogen in France

“White hydrogen: the potential for an energy revolution in France?” (Forbes)

THIS is my article

French Academy of Sciences calls for support for natural hydrogen exploration

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